
Digital Transformation
in Switzerland

Travel Digital Transformation Hub

The Travel Digital Transformation Hub is a digital innovation ecosystem that brings together researchers and companies to foster the digital transformation of the broad Swiss travel sector. It encourages collaboration within the sector and helps innovators in making ideas become reality.

Our objectives are :

Support digital innovative projects and maximize their success in order to develop the local, regional competitiveness.
Foster collaboration within the sector towards a common goal (i.e. digital transformation)
Encourage the sector to innovate in order to align with future trends and expectations.
Disseminate knowledge on digitalization among travel stakeholders and future leaders.

Call for Innovation Projects!

The Travel Digital Transformation Hub is a collaboration space offered to facilitate the design of applied research projects for the benefit of the Swiss travel sector.

Do you have a project in mind ? We connect academics and industry professionals willing to drive an innovation project in the travel & tourism sector. If you have a project idea, we can write a project proposal with you and submit it to major Swiss funding institutions.

All you need is a project idea that could benefit you and other Swiss travel stakeholders. Then, let’s shape it together and find other partners.

  • Project needs assessment 
  • Coaching in writing project proposal  
  • Identifying potential funding schemes 
  • Support in finding project partners 
  • Project fine-tuning 


  • Benefit from the EHL and Flagship broad network 
  • Maximize your chances of success 
  • Get support from us 
  • Be a pioneer in innovation in Switzerland 


  • Grant Writing  
  • Project Design and Management Support
  • Tourism, Hospitality & Management 
  • Networking & Events
  • Foresights & Strategic Planning
  • Customer Experience and Journey
  • Distribution 
  • Service Design 
  • Digital Marketing 
  • Data Analytics
  • Business Model Design & Monetization 
  • …. A vast network in tourism and hospitality!


  • Academics
  • Start ups
  • Associations
  • SMEs Companies
  • Hotels
  • Restaurants

Join Us Today!

Please note that if the application is accepted, we require an active participation in order to ensure efficiency.
Once the project has been accepted, the coaching process will last 5 weeks and include 4 online sessions (introduction, conceptualization, consortium definition and writing).
This Resilient Tourism Flagship has been designed
by six research institutions in partnership