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SAVE THE DATE: Second Flagship Annual Conference

Written by Resilient Tourism Team | Sep 26, 2023 8:08:38 AM

The Resilient Tourism Flagship Team is glad to announce the Second Flagship Annual Conference, happening on:

June 4, 2024

HSLU Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts,


Did you like our first Annual Conference at the EHL Lausanne Campus? Or did you miss it? Please save the date for our second Annual Conference. Not sure about coming? Let us write a couple of lines on the success of the first annual conference.  

On February 23, 2024, we organized the First Flagship Annual Conference at the EHL Lausanne Campus. The aim of these events is to bring together the flagship partners and discuss the progress of the project.  

It was great to see more than 40 delegates of the Flagship partners reunited and learn more about the Flagship. We had the pleasure to host two different keynotes: while Alain Jörg from Swisscom discussed the importance of data-driven businesses for the tourism market, Luca Preto from Ticino Turismo presented 3 interesting projects led by the Ticinese DMO with a particular focus on digitization.  

We also had the opportunity to learn more about the subprojects and their progress so far - presented by Anna Para and Heiko Rölke (SP1), Simon Kuster (SP2), and Jean-Christophe Loubier (SP3). We concluded the event with an amazing aperitive offered by EHL and a tour of the new campus in Lausanne.  

We are looking forward to the second Annual Conference which will take place in Lucerne, right before the ADM conference. This second edition will be a good opportunity to summarise the work conducted so far, to present the first use cases, and more importantly, to work collaboratively on the next challenges. Join us!